Day 1 of All things Community & Events


Thank you for taking the time to join my newsletter. I know there are a lot of great resources out there, but Im hoping that this will become one of your favorites.

My goals for this newsletter are 3 part-

  1. Provide the best resources for all things community and events

  2. Keep it real. There’s a lot of fluff out there, and I want to always provide you with tactical and real tips and tricks

  3. Share my experiences. I’ve been through, seen, and done a lot. Hopefully you can learn from it and not have to go through all the ups and downs that I have.

What to expect-

Throughout this newsletter, you will have different templates, recommendations, highlights of other amazing leaders and practitioners, upcoming events, and more. Every week will be different.

→ One thing I would LOVE to add to this is a Q&A section. Seriously, send me an email, slack me, LinkedIn DM me, or just reply to this newsletter with your question and I’ll provide a response and resources to help you.

Want to dig in more?

One thing Im most excited about for this newsletter is the premium option. You will get 1-1 mentoring with me, regional in person meetups, virtual roundtables, etc.

This is a really exciting option for me because I love to help others, I love connecting amazing people with other amazing people, and honestly, it’s a really cool opportunity to grow personally and professionally as well.

I’m really excited about this journey and I can’t thank you enough for being along with me!